Wednesday, June 17, 2009

That one time in 5th grade when the kid with the fruit snacks wouldn't share his fruit snacks with me, and instead ate them as I watched.

I stumbled upon a feature in NyMag about an editorial in June's British Vogue. This editorial happened to feature model Daria Werbowy on location in Kerala, India. She is wearing a dress by Ralph Lauren that is about 48 times as much as the average yearly income of a person in Kerala. Well, I'm sure the elephant she was washing in the photo didn't notice it cost over 15 thousand. To be honest had I been the elephant I wouldn't have noticed. However, I would have wondered why she had a paint tarp wrapped around her.  (At least the tarp featured at right is blue) The editorial only managed to exponentially increase the speed at which I shook my head in disbelief a few pages later, in which Miss Werbowy is photographed with local children, and riding a public bus.

here is the inspiration for this post on

here is the full editorial

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