Monday, August 31, 2009

SWINE FLU contest?

The US Department of Health and Human Services is hosting a contest open to all of America to see who can come up with the most creative and effective public service announcement promoting sanitary behavior in an effort to reduce the possible numbers of those affected N1-H1. However, the Government has taken a step towards raising their level of approachability and "cool" by holding the contest on youtube. . . HILARIOUS!
The video responses vary from cute little children ( clearly prompted by their parental units) speaking about the dangers of not covering your sneezes, to med students with paltry video skills trying their best to pull an Andy Samberg ( as in, white guy rapping), and even a LEGIT-looking, pseudo-hipster performance directed under the prowess of user "c2kmedical".
If you do decide to enter, please  be courteous: i.e.; 
1. if you are a small child don't let your parental exploit you. It's called emancipation. yes you can!
2. don't try to rap about health. you won't win. ( unless you are Andy Samberg. but I don't think he would rap about health. unless it was on.. a.. boat)
3. if you are a medical group. you probably know what you are doing. please proceed. 
criticism aside, browsing the video entries is quite the gratifying time-kill
  Oh, the winner of the prize will receive $2,500 ( remember kids, it's a recession we're lucky they're not paying us in chocolate coins ). The contest ends September 16th. 

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