Friday, June 19, 2009

i'm the girl anachronism.. i really shouldn't be here now

The clean fake-wood tables, shiny glass screens, the anonymous selection of music playing in the background, surrounded by so many geniuses you would think I'm at a Nobel convention, or MENSA at the least . Yes, I'm in an Apple store. Waiting.. oh so patiently waiting, so much so that were I a small child I would insist on some yummy sugary treat in reward. However, I am waiting for that yummy sugary tech treat called the iPhone 3G s. Now, luckily I planned ahead and decided to team up with a good buddy of mine to tackle the gargantuan line. That good buddy of mine happens to be my father, and luckily for the sake of our (sanity &) family life we get along swimmingly. You see, it is very important that we get along so well because we have been having father-daughter bonding time for hours upon hours (five to be exact). In this time we have stood in line at Apple, made it to the front, faced AT&T difficulties, gone to the AT&T store, rinsed and repeated the cycle. If it isn't sad enough that I'm using a display computer to write this post as I look for any way to kill time (and I mean slash it, and rip it to tiny confetti pieces)-  wait, okay, let me stop there, I think I surpassed my whining quota for the day. But really, truly, honestly can you blame me? well... if anything this gives me more time to decide what color suits me best.

1 comment:

Napier Lopez said...

Although I view Apple Inc as double edged sword of greatness and evil, I must admit there is a distinctly mesmerizing atmosphere to the Apple Store.

Since I have been devoid of internet access, and thus, AIM, for the past couple of days, and will be in such a state for at least a little longer, I must ask the all-important question here: Which color did you choose?